Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Top Ten Worst Cartoon Characters of all Time, Part 5

We're halfway there!  We have already listed numbers 6-10 in the Top Ten Worst Cartoon Characters of all Time, and are now moving onto the Top Five.   Things will be getting much, much worse now, so please only watch the videos if you truly have NOTHING better to do with your day.   If you really give it some thought, I am sure you can come up with something better.  With all warnings in place, we cautiously move onto number five...

10.  Baby Huey
9.  Squiddly Diddly
8.  Buzzy the Crow
7.  Hippity Hopper
6.  Loopy De Loop
5.  The Go-Go Gophers

This culturally sensitive cartoon series was originally part of the Underdog television show from 1966-1968.   The cartoons all took place in Gopher Gulch, home to a Midwest American army fort during the late 19th century.  In charge of the fort was Colonel Kit Coyote, aided by his Sergeant Okey Homa.  At this point in Gopher Gulch history, all the Indians have been driven out of the area except two remaining members of the Gopher Indian tribe, Chief Running Board and Rumbled Feather.  These two have decided to fight the colonization of their land and stay in Gopher Gulch.  The cartoons all deal with the Colonel's efforts to secure Gopher Gulch by eliminating the remaining Indian population, and how the Gopher Indians thwart his every attempt.

I'm not sure who decided the genocide of the Native Americans was great fodder for a cartoon series, especially in the 1960's, but for some reason this series was quite successful.  After appearing on Underdog, the Go-Go Gophers were spun off into their own series from 1968-1969.  They then made random appearances on Tennessee Tuxedo and other Total Television shows in syndication.   As recently as 2012 their cartoons were released on a series of DVD's, despite the fact that the cartoons are probably the most un-PC cartoons ever made for television.  (Interested in buying?  Here's the link)  The subject matter is insensitive and the stereotypes are broad and insulting, with Chief Running Board speaking in dialect that went out of fashion long ago.  Rumpled Feather hardly speaks at all.

In addition to all this, the cartoons are all pretty much the same, not terribly funny, and cheaply animated.   Here's a typical example of a Go Go Gopher cartoon... 

On your right, a set of glasses featuring the Gopher Indians.  A Pepsi giveaway from the late 60's or early 70's.

Below, a 2012 DVD release of "The Best of the Go Go Gophers."   I'm no sure who chose which ones were the best, but if he had to watch all 48 cartoons to decide, he definitely has my sympathies.

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