Tuesday, February 1, 2022

My Betty White story

 Seems like everyone has a Betty White story these days...  You can't turn on the internet without a post popping up about Betty White's career, her awards, her achievements, and everything else about her.   Well, I had an encounter with Betty White myself, and this is probably a good time to set it down for the record.   It's not much of a story, but this isn't much of a blog, so it all works out.

I help a friend with fan club events for the CBS soap operas.  Every couple of years she does an event for the fan clubs, and I am there to help with some of the arrangements (and to get a free meal).   The year was 2007 and Betty White had been appearing sporadically on The Bold and the Beautiful as Ann Douglas.  She had agreed to come to the fan event, meet the fans and sign autographs.  Her only caveat:  she would be a little late.

So, the event starts.   Understand, it is a huge luncheon event held in the Universal Sheraton's Grand Ballroom.  Over 300 people are enjoying a plated luncheon as the stars of B&B are being introduced on stage.   Each one gets a huge ovation, followed by the sound of various cameras taking pictures (Yes, there were still cameras that made noise at this time.)   After the last introduction everyone sat down to enjoy dinner and await the next event on the program. 

Then I get a call from my friend:   Betty White is about to arrive and needs someone to escort her in.  Would I be willing to be the escort?  Well, there are only a few things that could ever make me leave chicken piccata, and this was one of them.   I excused myself from the table, put my shoes back on, and high-tailed it to the front of the convention center.

After a few minutes wait, a car pulled up and Betty White came out of the car.   I introduced myself, and she..  well she was exactly how you'd expect Betty White to be.   She thanked me for coming out, she took my arm and I walked her towards the door.   Before we went in, I commented to her "You know, everyone here is looking forward to meeting you.   When you enter the ballroom the place is going to go nuts."  She poo-pooed the idea; "Oh, no, don't be silly, that's not going to happen - "   and then we entered the ballroom.

To say the place went nuts was an understatement.  The minute the first table spotted her they all let out a scream and the rest of the room turned, saw her, and the place - well, it ERUPTED.   You would have thought I walked in with Elvis Presley, the Pope and the entire starting lineup of the 2002 Lakers.  People were cheering, screaming, applauding, jumping out of their chairs, taking pictures and basically going insane over this then 86-year-old woman.   I walked her towards the stage, and as we walked, I said, "THIS is what I was talking about."   She said "My goodness, I had no idea..."   She then went onstage. and my work was done.   I then returned to table only to find that my friend had eaten my chicken piccata.

Might I say that Betty was a true trooper that day.   The event ends with a LONG autograph session, and she stayed until the very end - everyone got an autograph and a picture with Betty.   Well almost everyone - My one regret is that I didn't get a photo!   But the video exists....   If I can find it I will post it.

Betty White at her autograph table with Katherine Kelly Lang and Lee Bell