Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday Morning Cartoon: Blooper Bunny

Sorry for the recent sparseness of postings.  
In Los Angeles there are occassional screenings of classic cartoons.  I love going to those and try to get to them all. However, life sometimes interferes with my scheduling (couldn't someone else have donated blood to...  well, never mind) and I miss the occasional show.   Whenever this happens, I get the inevitable call from a certain friend of mine, asking me if I made it to the show.   When I say no, he immediately tells me what a shame it was that I missed it, because THAT NIGHT ONLY they showed the rarest Bugs Bunny cartoon that ever existed.   The pulled it out of the vaults for that one night, showed it, then set fire to the negative in front of the entire audience.  They then erased everyone's memory before they allowed them to leave the theater.
He may well have been talking about today's Saturday Morning Cartoon:  Blooper Bunny.   This cartoon was produced in 1991, then shelved for several years.   No one is quite sure why the cartoon was never released, but some speculate that Daffy's ranting about Warner Bros. executives at the beginning of the cartoon may have been a part of the problem.   It was also felt that the humor may have been a little too edgy and inside to appeal to regular audiences.   Either way, the cartoon sat in the vaults unknown and forgotten until 1997, when Cartoon Network spotted it sitting in the vault.   They aired it, and since then, it has gained a small cult following.  I had seen a small mention of it here and there throughout the years, but never saw it until the Internet made all things possible.   Here it is, one of the rarest Bugs Bunny cartoons of all time: Blooper Bunny.

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