Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blogging 101

For those of you who have been counting, my last post was my one hundredth post on this blog!   I will allow you a  moment to collect yourself, as I'm sure you are overwhelmed by sheer apathy.  But for me, this is a moment to reflect on the last 100 posts, and look back at what you, the readers, enjoyed most.   I assume that would be anything I stole from another blog, but we'll see.

Most bloggers judge their blog entries by the number of comments that a certain article generates.   Well,  my blog doesn't generate comments.   I don't even generate spam.   When your blog is so pathetic that even the spammers won't bother with it, well, that really says something.   On the bright side, I'm also not bothered by people wanting to advertise on my blog.   At least I won't be tempted to give a favorable review to a restaurant or product due to the offers of big money.   I have been offered money by some restaurants, but they offered me money NOT to write a review.   Snobs.

So, how can I possibly judge what people liked?   Well, fortunately Google tracks what articles have brought the most traffic to this blog.  so, in honor of my 100th entry, I am listing the top ten entries on my blog, listed by the number of hits.   Here they are:

  1. Happy Birthday, Daffy Duck!                                      1194 hits
  2. Restaurant Review #3:   The Bahooka                          314 hits
  3. Magic Mountain Trip Review                                       222 hits
  4. Restaurant Review #1: Chris 'n' Pitts                            149 hits
  5. Recreating America Sings                                             118 hits
  6. Restaurant Review #8:  Knott's Chicken Dinner             62 hits
  7. Saturday Morning Cartoon:  Easter Yeggs                      61 hits
  8. Saturday Morning Cartoon:  Porky Pig's Feat                 60 hits
  9. Restaurant Review #4: Pie 'n' Burger                               55 hits
  10. Fast Food restaurant Chains:  The Missing Links            38 hits

As you can see, my little tribute to Daffy Duck was the top-rated item on this blog by a wide margin.   I'm not sure what that means, but the fact that he beat out Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig cartoons (items 7 and 8) should give the defiled duck some bragging rights.  My original Bahooka review has recently jumped in the ratings, due to the recent announcement that the much-beloved restaurant is closing.  The rest of the items tell me I need to do more restaurant and amusement park reviews.  I have taken pictures at a few places and will post them soon.

Of course, I do want to take a moment to thank you, the readers, for popping in here every now and then and reading what I post.   And I'm sure I will one day.   But hey, this is my day.  Write 100 blog entries sometime and see if you don't get a little bitter.

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